Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse from William Castleman on Vimeo.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse
Monday, December 6, 2010
Cloudstock Review
Building a Scalable Geospatial Database on top of Apache Cassandra - Mike Malone (SimpleGeo)
This talk will explore the real world technical challenges we overcame at SimpleGeo while building a spatial database on top of Apache Cassandra. Cassandra offers simple decentralized operations, no single point of failure, and near-linear horizontal scalability. But Cassandra fell far short of providing the sort of sophisticated spatial queries we need. Our challenge was to bridge that gap.This was the most interesting talk I attended. The main part of the talk was on how to use a distributed hash table, in particular Cassandra, as a spatial database. The key problem is how to support the needed types of queries including:
- Exact match: find a particular key
- Range: find all keys in some interval
- Proximity: find the nearest neighbors to a key
- Misc others: reasonable expectation of being able to adapt to new use cases
- Poor locality for some points. This is a general problem of the space-filling curves that some points in the n-D space will be close, but when following the curve will be much further apart. In practice, this means that some searches will be much more expensive than they should be.
- Non-random distribution of data. The default partition function will randomly spread out the data which avoids hotspots where many keys fall in the same bucket. By customizing the partition function to provide order it also led to a problem that the skew inherent in the dataset became a problem. In the presentation he showed a photo showing the distribution of lights and the clusters around cities. A similar photo is shown below of Egypt with obvious clustering around the Nile river.
Overall, nice presentation and good progression though their various attempts and explaining the issues they encountered.
Teach a Dog to REST - Brian Mulloy (apigee)
It's been 10 years since Fielding first defined REST. So, where are all the elegant REST APIs? While many claim REST has arrived, many APIs in the wild exhibit arbitrary, productivity-killing deviations from true REST. We'll start with a typical poorly-designed API and iterate it into a well-behaved RESTful API.Nothing spectacular, but he did have some reasonable advice for constructing APIs and some of the common problems they have seen. This presentation also had more of the sales element with the speaker frequently mentioning the apigee console for learning and playing around with APIs for popular services such as Twitter and LinkedIn. I personally found the speaker to be annoying, e.g. he had a schtick about not knowing how to pronounce idempotent methods that I'm pretty sure was an attempt at self-deprecation to help make the talk more appealing to a non-technical audience. The brief summary is:
- Be RESTful. The speaker seems to prefer RESTful interfaces over traditional RPC interfaces such as SOAP or JSON-RPC. The primary reasoning is that it leads to greater simplicity and fewer endpoints for the developer. His preferred interface is two URLs per resource: one for a collection, such as
; and one for a specific element, such as/dogs/cujo
. I liked his focus on APIs that are easy for developers to understand and to push for conventions that make it easier to reason about how APIs should work. If done right you can guess what the API will be without ever having to look at the documentation. - Verbs are bad. Nouns are good. At first you might think he is a subject of Evil King Java, but it is not quite the same. The RESTful model is about managing resources and the argument is that the verbs are already provided as part of the HTTP Protocol. So really it is verbs as part of the URL are bad. URLs should refer to a noun.
- Plurals are better. Here he is referring to the name for collections and clearly stated that this point was just his opinion. I don't really have a strong preference, but I do agree with him that if a widely used convention was present, it would be much easier to guess what the URL should be for a given API. Plurals also do seem to make it clearer that the response would be a collection instead of a single item.
- Move complexity after the question mark. The basic idea here was that the messy parts of the API should be made query parameters to the URL. The justification is that there will be some mess and that other locations, such as HTTP headers, are more obscure and difficult to quickly hack together in a browser. Another good point I think he had is that you should try to make the API trivial to start using. The easier it is to play around with an API the more likely it is to get used.
- Borrow from leading APIs. This goes back to his theme about convention. By following other popular APIs it is more likely your API will be familiar to new developers looking at your system. He also mentioned that in his opinion LinkedIn was currently doing the best at designing clean easy to use APIs for their offerings.
Your API Sucks - Marsh Gardiner (apigee)
We've learned the hard way that websites need great user experiences to survive. So why aren't we being this aggressive with API design? What are the deeper reasons behind why REST killed SOAP? And why aren't all API providers thinking about the truly important issues, making APIs that will be used by people? Come for the hall of shame and stay for the wake-up call.Boring series of "don't do this" examples. At least the previous speaker bothered to explain why he was pushing for APIs to be a certain way. The speaker reminded me of John Hodgman, but without the humor. Waste of time.
They had some pre-made sandwiches for the lunch. I don't make it into San Francisco that often so I decided to eat out instead.
Scaling Your Web App - Sebastian Stadil (Scalr)
Got app? Learn to scale it, with tricks for creating and managing scalable infrastructure on EC2 or elsewhere.I came in late to this talk. The part I saw was him showing off their UI. Complete waste of time, I might as well have flipped through the tour on their website.
Inside MongoDB - Alvin Richards (mongoDB)
In this talk we'll describe and discuss MongoDB's data format (BSON), the insert path, the query optimizer, auto-sharding, replication, and more. The talk will be of interest to developers interested in MongoDB and looking to learn more about what's going on "under the hood", as well as anyone interested in distributed systems and the design decisions that go into creating a system like MongoDB.Not a bad introductory overview. You could probably get the same information by spending an hour reading through the mongoDB documentation, but you wouldn't have easy access to someone for questions.
AWS Feedback Session - Jeffrey Barr (Amazon Web Services)
If you are an AWS user and want to ask questions or provide feedback, here's your chance. Senior AWS Evangelist Jeff Barr will be conducting an interactive feedback session on EC2, S3, RDS, and the other services. All of the feedback will be routed directly to the product teams.This session was only really useful as a more direct way to communicate issues to Amazon. The speaker was quite knowledgable about the Amazon stack and its good to see they are eager to get customer feedback. One aspect that came up several times was the poor support for Windows. The two issues I remember were the long delay until new versions of Windows are available as to use and, one I found quite amusing, that if you create a VM snapshot of a Windows VM then apparently the admin password is changed in the original VM.
I skipped the hackathon.
Not bad for a free event. I heard from others that some of the sessions were worse about just being sales pitches than the ones I attended. Very little technical depth in most of the presentations.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Automatic Generation of Color Palettes
- The color for an item should be easy to distinguish from other
items. Of course, it would also be nice if the colors looked decent,
but from a functional perspective, the requirement is to be able to
distinguish the items in the graph.
- I need to be able to generate an arbitrary number of colors and
avoid a fixed color palette with a predefined number. For practical
purposes the number will be limited by the ability to distinguish
different colors, but it would be nice for the mechanism to scale
gracefully as the number of items increases.
- The color of the background, for my purposes white, cannot be used.
Hex | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 |
000000 | ||||
0E0E0E | ||||
1C1C1C | ||||
2A2A2A | ||||
383838 | ||||
464646 | ||||
545454 | ||||
626262 | ||||
707070 | ||||
7E7E7E | ||||
8C8C8C | ||||
9A9A9A | ||||
A8A8A8 | ||||
B6B6B6 | ||||
C4C4C4 | ||||
D2D2D2 |
The problem is that grayscale can be difficult to distinguish with more than a few colors. That is why tools like gnuplot use line patterns and shapes. However, most of my use cases are for graphs shown on a color monitor so there is no need to limit to grayscale. What happens if we try a naive increment with color? My first attempt was to treat the color as a three byte integer and simply divide the desired number of colors to get the increment value. Looking at the palette below you can see the results are poor:
Hex | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 |
000000 | ||||
0FFFF0 | ||||
1FFFE0 | ||||
2FFFD0 | ||||
3FFFC0 | ||||
4FFFB0 | ||||
5FFFA0 | ||||
6FFF90 | ||||
7FFF80 | ||||
8FFF70 | ||||
9FFF60 | ||||
AFFF50 | ||||
BFFF40 | ||||
CFFF30 | ||||
DFFF20 | ||||
EFFF10 |
After looking around for a bit I found that the HSV representation is fairly well suited for this problem. HSV stands for hue, saturation, and value. The color space is represented as a cylinder:
For more background the paper Color Spaces for Computer Graphics gives a good overview and discusses how the various color spaces were designed with respect to human perception of color. To generate a palette the saturation and value settings can be fixed. The 360o for the hue can be divided by the desired number of colors and then we just increment the angle for each color. This technique gives a nice palette, but for more than around 8 colors it will be difficult for a person to distinguish some shades.
Hex | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 |
FF0000 | ||||
FF5F00 | ||||
FFBF00 | ||||
DFFF00 | ||||
7FFF00 | ||||
1FFF00 | ||||
00FF3F | ||||
00FF9F | ||||
00FFFF | ||||
009FFF | ||||
003FFF | ||||
1F00FF | ||||
7F00FF | ||||
DF00FF | ||||
FF00BF | ||||
FF005F |
The Scala code I used for generating the palettes is shown below.
object Colors { import java.awt.Color def grayscale(num: Int): Seq[Color] = { // Truncate the full range of values to make sure we can distinguish // from the color white, i.e., (256, 256, 256). val range = 256 - 32 // Determine how much to increment for each color. val delta = range / num if (delta == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "grayscale can support at most " + range + " colors") } // Generate the sequence of colors (0 until num).map(n => { val value = n * delta new Color(value, value, value) }) } def naiveIncrement(num: Int): Seq[Color] = { // Truncate the full range of values to make sure we can distinguish // from the color white, i.e., (256, 256, 256). val range = 0xFFFFFF - 0xFF // Determine how much to increment for each color. val delta = range / num if (delta == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "naive increment can support at most " + range + " colors") } // Generate the sequence of colors (0 until num).map(n => { val value = n * delta new Color((value >> 16) & 0xFF, (value >> 8) & 0xFF, value & 0xFF) }) } def hsv(num: Int): Seq[Color] = { // Range is 360 degrees for the hue val range = 360.0 // Determine how much to increment for each color. val delta = range / num if (delta < 1.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "hsv can support at most " + range + " colors") } // Generate the sequence of colors (0 until num).map(n => { val hue = n * delta val h = hue / 60.0 val x = ((1 - Math.abs(h % 2 - 1)) * 255).toInt val c = h match { case h if 0.0 <= h && h < 1.0 => (255, x, 0) case h if 1.0 <= h && h < 2.0 => (x, 255, 0) case h if 2.0 <= h && h < 3.0 => (0, 255, x) case h if 3.0 <= h && h < 4.0 => (0, x, 255) case h if 4.0 <= h && h < 5.0 => (x, 0, 255) case h if 5.0 <= h && h < 6.0 => (255, 0, x) case _ => (0, 0, 0) } new Color(c._1, c._2, c._3) }) } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { if (args.length < 2) { println("Usage: scala Colors <palette> <num>") exit(1) } // Supported palettes val palettes = Map( "grayscale" -> grayscale _, "naive" -> naiveIncrement _, "hsv" -> hsv _ ) // Generate colors and print palettes(args(0))(args(1).toInt).foreach(c => { println(c.getRGB.toHexString.toUpperCase.substring(2)) }) } }
Saturday, November 27, 2010
How Cats Lap
Before reading the paper or seeing the video included above, I tried to think about how lapping would work. I guessed that a cat would curve the tongue and make a cup to carry the water into the mouth. It turns out this is how dogs drink as shown in the video below:
Cats use a different technique. Like dogs they curve the tongue back, but cats barely touch the surface of the water with their tongue and then quickly withdraw the tongue letting the inertia create a stream of water into the mouth. For more information see:
- Supplementary videos for the paper
- Ed Yong's take
- Jerry Coyne's take
Friday, November 12, 2010
Jefferson Memorial: panel three contextomy
God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever.Given Jefferson's record on religion, I was curious what the context was for this quote. I quickly found that this was a truncated version of the quote from panel three of the Jefferson memorial. The full quote is:
God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever. Commerce between master and slave is despotism. Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Establish a law for educating the common people. This it is the business of the state and on a general plan.However, what I found really surprising was how this quote was created. It was created by taking snippets from 5 different documents authored by Jefferson including: A Summary View of the Rights of British America, Notes on the State of Virginia Query XVIII, Jefferson's Autobiography, a letter to George Wythe, and a letter to George Washington (toward the bottom of image 21, though the snippet is often shown as a quote I couldn't find a text version of the full letter so I linked to the scanned version from the Library of Congress). The other panels do not seem to be quite as bad, but are also quote mined from various sources.
Why? Quote mining to come up with some new statement doesn't serve as a memorial to Jefferson or his ideas. I could comb through his writings and combine a collection of snippets to express just about any view. It's possible he would have agreed with the sentiment, but the actual statement only reflects the views of whomever cobbled it together. Truly disappointing.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Apocalypse in 2012! Wait, shouldn't it be 4772?
I had always been under the impression that the 2012 fears were because it represented the end of the Mayan calendar. It turns out this isn't true. Some do seem to think it is the end of the calendar, but others just describe it as the end of a period. It is true that on December 21, 2012 the most significant digit, called the b'ak'tun, will increase by one and the least significant digits will be zero just like hitting 100,000 miles on the odometer of a car. Regardless of whether they think it is the end of the calendar or just of a given cycle, many do go on to claim the date represents the time when some catastrophic event will occur such as galactic alignment, solar flares causing geomagnetic reversal, Nibiru crashing into Earth, etc. Insane nonsense aside, the interesting thing to me was there is an overflow problem with the way the Mayan calendar, at least as I saw it described on Wikipedia, represents dates. Considering the recent problems with overflow such as Y2K and the coming year 2038 problem the obvious question is when will it overflow?
Overflow occurs because of limits in how the values are represented. For Y2K the problem was that many systems used two digits to represent the year. So the year 1900 would be recorded as "00" and 1970 would be recorded as "70". The problem is then how do you represent the year 2000? For Unix systems the time is typically stored as a signed 32-bit integer value. With one bit used for the sign, this means that there are 31-bits for the value to represent the number of seconds since the epoch. Do the math and you find:
231 / (60 s/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 day/yr) = 68.05 years
. With an epoch of January 1, 1970 the overflow will occur in 2038. So how are Mayan dates represented? The Mayan date is represented with five digits. Each digit is base 20, except for the middle digit that is base 18. The Mayan's had symbols for representing quantities from 0 to 19, similar to how we use 0 to 9 with the decimal system. Do the math and you find that the Mayan encoding can represent 2,880,000 distinct values. As mentioned earlier it was used to count the number of days since the epoch of August 11, 3114 BCE. Using 365.25 days per year the encoding will overflow after around 7885 years, on October 13, 4772 CE. For the purposes of media fear mongering I suppose the more imminent date is useful, but you would think for a movie they could exploit interesting aspects of the actual calendar system for the plot. Of course, with my particular proposal you would have to find some reason why the date rolling over and going back to zero in a calendaring system that nobody uses would cause harm.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Happy Birthday C++
Fax to Email
I had to check, motel 6 lists wifi internet access as an amenity that that is available at all of their locations.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
The Go Programming Language, for every page
Luckily, there is already bug 1158 to address the issue. We'll see how long it takes to get fixed.
Hijacking Error Messages
Another example of this sort are Soft 404s. Some sites will return a custom result pages with an HTTP 200 code instead of the proper error code. The rationale for site owners is that it can provide a better user experience than a generic error page from the web server. However, this is a very poor excuse as you can return a custom payload even with HTTP error responses. Having the proper error code means that automated tools and programs can correctly interpret the result. Hosting providers can also exploit HTTP errors by configuring the web server to return error pages similar to the Comcast search page to provide advertising and direct traffic back to the provider.
Damn Java Socket Exception Messages
In my case, I was checking logs for a system that crawls pages and hence attempts to resolve and connect to thousands of hosts. This system logs the exceptions, but unfortunately did not provide a customized message when doing so. Analyzing the logs showed that the two most common error messages were: 1) a failure to resolve the hostname and 2) failing to connect to an HTTP server on the host. An example error message for the first case is some-host-that-does-not-exist
. This message is quite useful as the exception name explains the problem and the message tells me the name of the host that could not be resolved. An example message for the second case is connect timed out
. This message is explains the problem, but doesn't given me the crucial information of what it was trying to connect to. Though this can easily be fixed in the application code, it is disappointing that the default message is so bad. I have noticed that my opinion of a programming language or technology seems to go down steadily the longer I am forced to use it at work. Is the grass greener on one of the other sides? How do other languages, or rather the networking libraries they provide, fair for this use case? I looked at 13 options to see how many would give a decent error message for both use cases. The results were not very encouraging. Only one option, Go, had reasonable messages for both. For the host not found case 4 options included the hostname. Only two options provided the host and port in the failed to connect case. The results are summarized in the table below the fold with links to the source code and raw error messages.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Family Planning
It is too bad the religious nuts in the U.S. aren't swayed by evidence showing that abstinence education does not work. Then I came across an article in Science, Has China Outgrown The One-Child Policy?, about the effects of the one-child policy on the Chinese population. One issue is a rapidly aging population:
The country has benefited from a "demographic dividend"—a surfeit of young workers born during a 1960s baby boom—that will dry up as China gets old before it gets rich. From 2010 to 2020, the number of Chinese aged 20 to 24 will drop by a whopping 45%, from 125 million to 68 million.If you look at an age pyramid for China you can see that the population is starting to contract:
I'm not sure what caused the sharp reduction of individuals in their twenties compared to teens and those in their thirties. Here is a similar pyramid for to the United States:
The pyramid for Afghanistan shows a more typical pyramid shape:
However, if you look carefully at the age pyramid for China there is another problem. There are considerably more males than females:
China's ratio of male to female births—now 119 boys born for every 100 girls—has been "really intensified by the family-planning policy," says Shuzhuo Li, a demographer at Xi'an Jiaotong University. The gender imbalance is projected to yield 30 million more men than women by 2030, heightening the risk of social instability.The skew seems to be the result of cultural preferences for a male child leading to practices such as sex-selective abortions. These problems are further compounded by the complexity of the laws:
That decentralized structure, which still stands, has yielded a clunky policy that is comparable in complexity to the U.S. tax code, says Wang. To discourage sex-selective abortion, many provinces allow rural parents whose first child is a girl to try again for a boy, an exception sometimes called the "1.5-child policy." All told, there are 22 exceptions qualifying a couple for more children, ranging from one partner being disabled to one being a miner.Another similarity to the U.S. tax industry is the huge bureaucracy that has been built up around the policy:
As of 2005, the family-planning bureaucracy had swollen to 509,000 employees, along with 6 million workers who help with implementation. Those stakeholders are "risk-averse," says Wang. "They pay no cost for doing nothing."It'll be interesting to see how China reacts to these problems in the coming decades.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Religious Knowledge Survey
The survey results are clear: People with higher levels of education tend to be more knowledgeable about religion.
The survey shows that reading and talking about religion are related to higher levels of religious knowledge. People who say they read Scripture at least once a week, for instance, get significantly more questions right on average than those who read Scripture less often. The same pattern is seen in frequency of reading books (besides Scripture) about one’s own faith.I did find one amusing bit:
And only about one-third of those polled know which famous court trial dealt with whether evolution could be taught in public schools; 31% know this was the Scopes trial, while 36% say it was Brown vs. Board of Education and 3% name the Salem witch trials.I would really like to see a breakdown of the 3% that thought the Salem witch trials were related to evolution. Unfortunately the raw data doesn't seem to be available yet.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
David McCandless: The beauty of data visualization
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Miracle of the Herrings
Not being Catholic, I found it strange that the church would bother making such a ridiculous claim. Why not just celebrate Thomas Aquinas for what he did? What is the point of making up some pathetic story and labeling it a miracle? I was curious if this was just made up for television so I tried to find (i.e., searched for a few minutes online, not a serious scholarly effort) an official document from the church on why Thomas Aquinas was declared a saint. I didn't have much luck finding what I was looking for on the website. Many results came up for Thomas Aquinas, but not what I was looking for.
The best reference I was able to find was The Sanctity and Miracles of St. Thomas Aquinas, but I have no idea about the veracity of the source. It does partially corroborate the story about the herrings:
Asked about miracles - whether he knew of any worked through the merits of Thomas either before or after death - the witness said that when Thomas died his body was buried at first before the high altar, but then the monks, fearing it might be taken from them, transferred it secretly to St. Stephen's Chapel in the same abbey-church. But about seven months later Thomas appeared in a dream to a brother James, who was prior at the time, and said:'Take me back where I was at first.' So they took him back, with due solemnity. (This dream was and still is commonly talked about in the monastery.) And when the tomb was opened a delicious fragrance came out, filling all the chapel and cloister: whereupon the community sang the Mass Os justi meditabitur sapientiam, etc., in honour of Thomas as of a saint; they thought the Mass Pro defunctis hardly suitable for such a man.In this story it explicitly states that Thomas Aquinas did not eat the fish as Stephen Fry stated in the video. However, the book Saint Thomas Aquinas: the person and his work (by Jean-Pierre Torrell, the chapter "The Last Months and Death" on page 291 in the version scanned by Google) suggests he may have eaten some of it:
All this the witness knew because he was there and saw it for himself; it happened about seven months after Thomas's death; but he could not be sure of the month or the day. Asked who were present, he said 'the whole community'.... Asked who had called him to the place where the fragrance was smelt, he said he himself smelled it; it drew him to where the tomb was.
IX. Asked if he knew of other miracles attributed to brother Thomas, the witness said that he had heard of many; and in particular that when Thomas lay sick in the castle of Maenza and was urged to eat something, he answered, 'I would eat fresh herrings, if I had some.' Now it happened that a pedlar called just then with salted fish. He was asked to open his baskets, and one was found full of fresh herrings, though it had contained only salted fish. But when the herrings were brought to Thomas, he would not eat them.
The witness spoke too of a Master Reginald, a cripple, who was cured at the tomb of brother Thomas.
Asked how he knew of these two miracles, he replied that that about the fish he had from brother William of Tocco, prior of the Friar Preachers at Benevento, who himself had it from several people at Maenza, where the event occurred. The other story he had from brother Octavian (mentioned above) who averred that he had seen it happen. And in the monastery these miracles were common knowledge.
It was there that he fell ill and totally lost his appetite; the doctor called to take care of him—John of Guido, from Piperno—asked what he would like to eat and received a disconcerting response: some fresh herring, which he once enjoyed when he was in the Ile de France. Miraculously, some were found. But according to Tocco, it was the others who ate them, since the patient no longer wanted them. An eyewitness assures us, however, that he ate some of it: de quibus etiam arengis comedit dictus frater Thomas.History is messy. But it doesn't really make a difference whether or not he ate some of the fish in terms of the miracle. A NY Times book review When the Lights Went Out in Europe gives a similar story about the herrings:
When St. Thomas Aquinas lay dying, in 1274, it was said that he asked for herrings, which were unknown thereabouts. Yet sure enough they soon obligingly turned up at the local fishmongers. Even in the early 14th century, when Thomas's candidacy for sainthood was under investigation, and at least two miracles were required for admission, this unlikely tale did not wash -- not least because it emerged that the witnesses had no way of telling whether what they had seen were herrings or not.Though I would prefer an official document from the Catholic church, from what I can tell the miracle of the herrings is a real claim made to support the canonization of Thomas Aquinas. It would be nice if the Catholic church had an easily searchable database of all the saints and the records for how they qualified for sainthood. However, if all of the "miracles" are this pathetic, then it is probably better for public relations not to make the information more accessible.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Damn boost::program_options
$ ./a.out -h Allowed options: -h [ --help ] s h ... skipping ... e d -c [ --config ] arg (=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) c o n f i g u r a t i o n f i l e
// g++ -I/opt/local/include -L/opt/local/lib -lboost_program_options-mt boostopt.cpp
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::program_options;
main(int argc, char **argv) {
char *file = getenv("CONFIG");
string config((file == NULL) ? "-" : file);
options_description desc("Allowed options");
("help,h", "show this help message, some additional text "
"that is here for no other reason than to make "
"the message wrap when the help is printed")
("config,c", value<string>(&config)->default_value(config),
"configuration file")
variables_map vm;
try {
store(parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << endl
<< endl << desc << endl;
return 1;
if (vm.count("help")) {
cerr << desc << endl;
return 2;
return 0;
$ env CONFIG=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ./a.out -h
Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] show this help message, some additional
text that is here for no other reason
than to make the message wrap when the
help is printed
-c [ --config ] arg (=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
configuration file
$ env CONFIG=aaa ./a.out -h
Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] show this help message, some additional text that
is here for no other reason than to make the
message wrap when the help is printed
-c [ --config ] arg (=aaa) configuration file
$ env CONFIG=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ./a.out -h
Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] sh
... skipping ...
-c [ --config ] arg (=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) co
$ env CONFIG=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ./a.out -h
Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] s
... skipping ...
-c [ --config ] arg (=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) c