- The color for an item should be easy to distinguish from other
items. Of course, it would also be nice if the colors looked decent,
but from a functional perspective, the requirement is to be able to
distinguish the items in the graph.
- I need to be able to generate an arbitrary number of colors and
avoid a fixed color palette with a predefined number. For practical
purposes the number will be limited by the ability to distinguish
different colors, but it would be nice for the mechanism to scale
gracefully as the number of items increases.
- The color of the background, for my purposes white, cannot be used.
Hex | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 |
000000 | ||||
0E0E0E | ||||
1C1C1C | ||||
2A2A2A | ||||
383838 | ||||
464646 | ||||
545454 | ||||
626262 | ||||
707070 | ||||
7E7E7E | ||||
8C8C8C | ||||
9A9A9A | ||||
A8A8A8 | ||||
B6B6B6 | ||||
C4C4C4 | ||||
D2D2D2 |
The problem is that grayscale can be difficult to distinguish with more than a few colors. That is why tools like gnuplot use line patterns and shapes. However, most of my use cases are for graphs shown on a color monitor so there is no need to limit to grayscale. What happens if we try a naive increment with color? My first attempt was to treat the color as a three byte integer and simply divide the desired number of colors to get the increment value. Looking at the palette below you can see the results are poor:
Hex | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 |
000000 | ||||
0FFFF0 | ||||
1FFFE0 | ||||
2FFFD0 | ||||
3FFFC0 | ||||
4FFFB0 | ||||
5FFFA0 | ||||
6FFF90 | ||||
7FFF80 | ||||
8FFF70 | ||||
9FFF60 | ||||
AFFF50 | ||||
BFFF40 | ||||
CFFF30 | ||||
DFFF20 | ||||
EFFF10 |
After looking around for a bit I found that the HSV representation is fairly well suited for this problem. HSV stands for hue, saturation, and value. The color space is represented as a cylinder:
For more background the paper Color Spaces for Computer Graphics gives a good overview and discusses how the various color spaces were designed with respect to human perception of color. To generate a palette the saturation and value settings can be fixed. The 360o for the hue can be divided by the desired number of colors and then we just increment the angle for each color. This technique gives a nice palette, but for more than around 8 colors it will be difficult for a person to distinguish some shades.
Hex | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 |
FF0000 | ||||
FF5F00 | ||||
FFBF00 | ||||
DFFF00 | ||||
7FFF00 | ||||
1FFF00 | ||||
00FF3F | ||||
00FF9F | ||||
00FFFF | ||||
009FFF | ||||
003FFF | ||||
1F00FF | ||||
7F00FF | ||||
DF00FF | ||||
FF00BF | ||||
FF005F |
The Scala code I used for generating the palettes is shown below.
object Colors { import java.awt.Color def grayscale(num: Int): Seq[Color] = { // Truncate the full range of values to make sure we can distinguish // from the color white, i.e., (256, 256, 256). val range = 256 - 32 // Determine how much to increment for each color. val delta = range / num if (delta == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "grayscale can support at most " + range + " colors") } // Generate the sequence of colors (0 until num).map(n => { val value = n * delta new Color(value, value, value) }) } def naiveIncrement(num: Int): Seq[Color] = { // Truncate the full range of values to make sure we can distinguish // from the color white, i.e., (256, 256, 256). val range = 0xFFFFFF - 0xFF // Determine how much to increment for each color. val delta = range / num if (delta == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "naive increment can support at most " + range + " colors") } // Generate the sequence of colors (0 until num).map(n => { val value = n * delta new Color((value >> 16) & 0xFF, (value >> 8) & 0xFF, value & 0xFF) }) } def hsv(num: Int): Seq[Color] = { // Range is 360 degrees for the hue val range = 360.0 // Determine how much to increment for each color. val delta = range / num if (delta < 1.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "hsv can support at most " + range + " colors") } // Generate the sequence of colors (0 until num).map(n => { val hue = n * delta val h = hue / 60.0 val x = ((1 - Math.abs(h % 2 - 1)) * 255).toInt val c = h match { case h if 0.0 <= h && h < 1.0 => (255, x, 0) case h if 1.0 <= h && h < 2.0 => (x, 255, 0) case h if 2.0 <= h && h < 3.0 => (0, 255, x) case h if 3.0 <= h && h < 4.0 => (0, x, 255) case h if 4.0 <= h && h < 5.0 => (x, 0, 255) case h if 5.0 <= h && h < 6.0 => (255, 0, x) case _ => (0, 0, 0) } new Color(c._1, c._2, c._3) }) } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { if (args.length < 2) { println("Usage: scala Colors <palette> <num>") exit(1) } // Supported palettes val palettes = Map( "grayscale" -> grayscale _, "naive" -> naiveIncrement _, "hsv" -> hsv _ ) // Generate colors and print palettes(args(0))(args(1).toInt).foreach(c => { println(c.getRGB.toHexString.toUpperCase.substring(2)) }) } }